Author: Mark
Group Therapy and the SIT Framework
Dr. Mark Yarhouse coauthored an article with Dr. Lee Beckstead that appears in the journal, Counseling and Values, Vol. 56, no. 1-2, October 2011. The article is titled, “Using Group Therapy to Navigate and Resolve Sexual Orientation and Religious Conflicts.” Here is the abstract: This article considers the use of group therapy to explore sexual…
Key Concepts Discussion at AACC
Dr. Mark Yarhouse will be presenting at the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference in Nashville, TN, September 29, 2011. His workshop is on key concepts drawn from his research and clinical experience and tied to how he approaches sexual identity in clinical practice. These concepts include a three-tier distinction (between attractions, orientation and identity),…
Understanding Sexual Identity Therapy
This past year I’ve dealt with an interesting challenge that faces Christians who produce scholarship in controversial areas. My area is sexual identity, and I’ve been researching and providing services in this area for many years now. There are not many models for how to do integration in this area, and there are few people…
SIT and Pastoral Care II
Next week I will be travelling to Asbury College and Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, for a series of talks. At Asbury I’ll be giving chapel addresses, meeting with Student Development staff, and participating in various panel discussions and coffee shop discussions. The time as Asbury Theological Seminary will focus on pastoral care and…